Manage lawyers, clients, matters (cases), trials and its invoicing

Adapting the ERP system in the business means that the members of the business will track any activities easily. Law ERP Software is a very useful solution for any legal firm. This ERP software automates all major processes which can help any legal firm to run smoothly. The Law ERP system ensures management of all operations and ensures transparency across all departments.

Law ERP Software gives complete control over all the major processes of any legal firm. Apart from that this ERP software tracks and manages activities such as track budget, lawyer management, managing clients, and so on.

Solufy will help you to transform your legal firm with the World’s Leading ERP Software. That will automate all processes, save time as well as resources, and improve your organisation’s performance.

  • Client Request Process

    A lawyer,Help desk officer and Law admin users can be create all configuration. A lawyer,Help desk officer can add the client request. Law admin can request, approve and reject client requests. Only law admin user can approve and reject client requests also create matter,lawyer,client. Client is created automatically in client menu after approved the client request.

  • Matter Process

    Law admin user can create,approve,reject and reopen the client matter details. Invoice is created from view option from InProgress, Approved and Closed stage

  • Lawyer create Process

    Law admin can create Lawyer. Lawyers can specify the practice area and fees based on an hour,trial or fixed. The lawyer will have many other details such as their Experience, Qualification and Personal Information.

  • Client Create Process

    Client is created automatically in client menu after approved the client request. Also manual created from client menu using Is Client checkbox

  • Invoice Management

    Invoice created from view option under the matter. Invoice form view is open up while click on “Create Sales invoice” button. Customer and Payment type auto appear with sale invoice form view. Just add matter,qty and price details of the matter and confirm the sale invoice. Make payment once confirm the invoice.


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  • CRM in Law ERP

    This can create Client Request in the System in which admin can approve the client’s request. Here, automatic client record is generated when admin approves the client request of that client. This module easily processes Customer Relationship Management.

  • Matter Management

    You can keep track of the matters with sub-categories such as trial date, evidence of that matter, important dates, useful documents. Just you have to open any matter and everything related to that matter is shown in one place.

  • Trials Management

    In this module you can manage all trials of that matter in the trials menu. This ERP System manages trial results and judgement of those trials. System manages stages for trials like – Draft, Open, and Closed. Here, important dates are also shown like – Openings Dates, Trial Date (Upcoming Trial Date), Closed Date, Reopen Date.

  • Evidence Maintenance

    You can easily do the maintenance of matter’s evidence. The evidence in favour or not can also be managed by this ERP System.

  • Invoice Management

    Three ways users can manage the Invoice: 1) By Trial – User Can Create an Invoice by Trial. 2) By Hour – Users Can Create Invoice by Working Hour. 3) By Fixed – Only One Invoice Is Created.



Our vertical solutions expertise allows your business to streamline workflow, and increase productivity. No matter the business, Solufy has you covered with industry compliant solutions.

Stop wasting time and money on various software instead just one. Explore our company



Our vertical solutions expertise allows your business to streamline workflow, and increase productivity. No matter the business, Solufy has you covered with industry compliant solutions, customized to your company’s specific needs.

Farshid Ghayasi

I want to thank you for your great efforts and dedication towards the project which has given me and my client utmost satisfaction! Its not only your ethics, but also your knowledge, teamwork and solution-oriented thinking which has taken us by surprise especially when your team is too young. In my opinion, you have come up as the best OpenERP Service Provider so far.

Farshid Ghayasi
Netlinks, Afghanistan
Jagdish Dudhat

The Service Management software they gave works as per my vision and the reports, the invoices, the analysis and the features I always have wanted are now just a click away. Earlier I used to use papers and now I am able to contribute to the Indian dream of Digitisation this way out…

Jagdish Dudhat
SkyDot, India
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  • conversations-4872_af60b258-251e-41af-b238-dfb706d7b3d4

    Quick response

    After sales, If you face any problem then we can quickly manage and give support to resolve queries through remote. With our multichannel support system we can resolve any issues immediately without the long wait and travel to your location.

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    We have been serving ERP solutions for the last 13+ years with 100+ experienced ERP Brains and fulfilling the requirements of the global market with the wide spectrum of technologies, industries, and application types.

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    No geek speak

    You deserve to have your questions answered in plain easy communication. Our consultants and developers will clearly explain what is happening so you understand all the things very easily and know the valuable insights.

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    Business savvy

    We design, evaluate and justify ERP Systems from a thorough understanding of the business benefit for your organisation. That helps to make your day to day operations easy.

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    One Stop Solution

    We handle all aspects of ERP Software that can be helpful to you to grow your business performance such as ERP Development, ERP Customization, ERP Training and any other related ERP needs.

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    100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    We want you to be completely satisfied with our ERP System Solutions. We’ll handle all your ERP related concerns, so you can calmly handle your business. No hassles, no problems.

Stop wasting time and money on various software instead just one. Explore our company

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