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Manufacturing ERP
Manufacturing ERP

A Comprehensive Guide to Manufacturing ERP: What It Is and How It Can Benefit Your Business

What is Manufacturing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)?

Manufacturing ERP refers to enterprise resource planning (ERP) software and systems used to plan, manage, and deliver specific functions that support manufacturers and manufacturing operations. A modern manufacturing ERP system is designed to flexibly support and integrate any business process, creating a complete business management platform for manufacturing companies.

Why is ERP Software Used in Manufacturing?

ERP system is a kind of manufacturing management software that increases the organisational efficiency of manufacturing companies by managing and improving the use of company resources. Improving and/or reducing the number of resources required without sacrificing quality and performance is key to effectively improving the growth and profitability of a manufacturing company. ERP software enables manufacturing companies to manage all critical aspects, from operations to procurement to inventory planning.

Benefits of ERP for Manufacturing Companies

A modern integrated ERP system for manufacturing offers many valuable operational and financial benefits at both the micro and macro level. Some of the top benefits of ERP for manufacturing are:

  • Automate processes to increase efficiency and to reduce redundancies
  • Optimising production processes for increased productivity
  • Improve supply chain process, warehousing and inventory management
  • Reduce risk and increase confidence in compliance
  • provide better service to customers and improve experience
  • Consolidate cross departments
  • Eliminates the need of multiple software systems
  • Collect real-time data for better insights
  • Centralise operational and financial information for improved visibility and communication
  • Making easy to adapt market changes and more…

Difference Between Standard ERP Software and Dedicated Manufacturing ERP System?

A standard ERP system is a generic ERP software with features common to all companies. Common systems are often built as one-size-fits-alls and may lack full manufacturing integration and critical features for manufacturing-specific enterprises. Lack of integration can limit data views and require software customisation to meet unique industry and business needs.

A manufacturing ERP system is designed specifically for the manufacturing industry and provides advanced functionality to address manufacturing’s unique needs. Manufacturing ERP software integrates core business processes with manufacturing processes, giving you complete visibility and control of your manufacturing organization.

Which type of ERP is Best for Manufacturing?

There are many different types of ERP systems and deployment options available today, depending on the size, capabilities, and needs of manufacturing companies.

An on-premises ERP system provides control, support, and ownership of the implemented system. These include the costs and risks associated with managing a manufacturer’s hardware and system infrastructure. A cloud-based ERP system can provide manufacturers with a comprehensive and flexible system, with ongoing support, updates, training, and flexible customisation from the ERP provider. A “hybrid ERP” deployment can offer manufacturing companies a combination of on-premises and cloud hosting and deployment services. These models provide flexibility for ERP users to migrate between deployment models and incorporate benefits not available in existing implementations.

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